Monday, February 24, 2014

My Photo Booth Photos

Photo Booth Edit: Clouds

Photo Booth Edit: Mirror

Photo Booth Edit: X-Ray

Photo Booth Edit: Sephia

Photo Booth Edit: Black and White

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

First Post, First Quiz, Second Semester

  1. January 1, 1935 was when the first photo was sent "across the wire".
  2. The photo that was first sent across telephone wires was of a plane crash.  
  3. The first photo was sent to 25 Cities.
  4. The Hindenburg was a German airship that caught on fire.
  5. The Glenn Miller Orchestra performed "In the Mood".
  6. Life Magazine used the concept of Picture Magic, it was launched in 1936.
  7. The Depression to combat American Rural Poverty was called the Farm Security Administration. (FSA)
  8. Gordon Parks was an African-American photographer who worked for FSA.
  9. The American Gothic painting inspired Gordon Parks' best known photo.
  10. Ansel Adams was a famous landscape photographer.
  11. December 7,1941 was when the Pearl Harbor was bombed.
  12. A pin-up girl was model whose mass produced pictures see wide appeal as popular culture.
  13. There was a difference of 6 years between when the first photo sent "across the wire" and D-Day.
  14. Robert Capa took the famous photos on Normandy Beach during D-Day.
  15. Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima was a photograph taken on February 23,1945, by Joe Rosenthal.